
Mon-Fri: 7AM-6PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

10308 Holly Springs Rd.
Holly Springs NC 27540


Children’s House classrooms are designed to meet the ever changing needs of the tree to six year old child. Beauty and order play important roles in creating the child size atmosphere which is carefully designed to encourage curiosity and a love for learning. Magnolia Montessori Academy offers each child the opportunity:

  • To develop a solid academic foundation and desire for lifelong learning 
  • To become an integral member of the classroom community
  • To develop positive social, emotional and physical growth in a respectful environment

important things you should know

Questions And Answers

Early childhood specialists all agree that young children thrive in a secure, consistent environment with a steady routine. Young children adjust very well to this schedule and bond most easily with their teachers and peers when they have at least four consecutive days in their new community — which quickly becomes a beloved and special place for them. The steady rhythm of coming to their school helps create a very positive attitude towards “school” and their activities there. It also gives the children a strong feeling of belonging to a community that they help create, and of which they are valued and respected members. They can count on seeing their friends on a regular basis.

Through teacher observations and materials that are designed to stimulate, change and grow with the children, a variety of abilities are accommodated. It is a well-established fact that young children mature at very different rates and their periods of readiness for academic subjects vary a great deal. Because interest is stimulated and the materials are at hand whenever a child is ready, academics can begin at an early age. However, very early learning is not the norm, nor was it ever Dr. Montessori’s objective. Her ideal was only that the learning experience should occur naturally and joyfully at the proper moment for each individual child. “It is true, we cannot make a genius”, Dr. Montessori once wrote, “we can only give each individual the chance to fulfill their potential possibilities to become an independent, secure and balanced human being”

It is our goal to have children internalize good behavior, not just respond to an adult. To do this we again are focused on respect, responsibility and resourcefulness. But children do not come to us with all of these qualities in place. When a child behaves in a manner that is unacceptable he is held accountable with a logical consequence, one that is related to the misbehavior.  For example, if a child chooses a particular material and is using it incorrectly, perhaps even damaging it, he will at first be redirected to use it appropriately. If this does not remedy the problem the child will be told to put the material away and may not be able to use it again for several days. We do not use time outs. If a child is consistently running in the class endangering himself and others, he might be asked to stay with the teacher or to stay seated at a table. But this problem was related to movement, thus the consequence is the restriction of movement. This is not the same as the notion of a time out. Our Montessori classroom has only one rule: to take care and be respectful of everyone and everything. If the rule were to be practiced by everyone, it would make for a more harmonious world. Our teachers are aware of the importance of self-discipline. They have robust enthusiasm for learning, a deep respect for all life, kindness, humor, gentleness and patience. The nature of the Montessori materials and activities, along with the freedom of the prepared environment, help the child to realize and develop his or her sense of self-direction, independence, confidence, cooperation and self-control